Picture this: you are driving home after a long and tiring day at work. You are listening to your favorite radio station, and trying to unwind a little and leave the stress and all the negative energies behind you. You are in fact humming your favorite song that just came up on the radio. And you cannot wait to get home, run a hot bath, and indulge yourself in some delicious foods.
You finally get home, park the car, grab your laptop bag, and reach for the keys to your house. The car is already parked in the driveway, and you are standing outside of it, trying to find your keys. Where on Earth did you put them? Then your eyes slide on the inside of the car, where you notice something sparkling into the light of the setting sun. It's the keys to your home! They must have accidentally dropped from your pocket while you were getting out of the car. What a relief! You reach for your pocket to take out your car keys and retrieve your other set of keys. The horror! You notice the key fob had somehow fallen on the front seat – and all the doors have automated locks on them! Which means you are now stuck with no keys to your car and no keys to your home either. Can you imagine the level of anxiety you might experience, should you ever have to go through something like this?
Small Distractions, Big Problems
The truth is even something as small as singing along to your favorite song or reading a short notification on your phone while driving could lead to something similar. Not to mention the increased risk of car crashes and other similar problems!
You could also drop the keys to your home on your way to reach your workplace on time early in the morning – and not even realize I until it is too late. Or be on the phone and forget to lock the front door to your apartment when getting home late at night.
Burglars are already doing a fine job at picking all kinds of locks with improvised tools. According to statistics, the number of residential burglaries should be concerning enough for you to be actually taking additional home security measures – instead of leaving your front door unlocked over the night.
If you are not sure you can rely on the current sets of locks on your home doors at the moment, talk to a local locksmith for residential customers. Go online and check these cheap locksmith rates on the Nationwide Locksmith site for lock re-key or lock repair services, or fresh lock installation. Find out how much it would cost you to have a new key done, and set up an appointment today.
Make sure you keep duplicate keys to your hoem and car in safe and easily accessible places so you can use them straight away in case of accidental lockouts and other lock problems.