Crossroads Music announces the release of their single, “I Lift Up My Thanks” just in time for Thanksgiving. Crossroads Music is a collective of worship artists creating music to help their community and the Church connect with God in meaningful ways. Their songs display the redemption and restoration of a loving God and the natural responses of gratefulness and worship.
Saying “thanks” is more than a formality or having good manners. For those who follow Jesus, it’s an imperative posture. Gratitude puts us in the appropriate position to enter the King’s courts — turning away from entitlement and pride and kneeling in humility. This single highlights how to lift up our thanks despite our circumstances and in all areas of our lives:
“Over my future, Over my doubts, Over my purpose, Oh I lift up my thanks
Over my family, Over my house, Over my city, Oh, I lift up my thanks”
Robbie Reider, the Director of Crossroads Music co-wrote the song with Crossroads’ teammate Erica Bostick and GMA Dove Award Winner, Krissy Nordhoff, well-known for”You’re Great Name” and “Famous For (I Believe).” About their new release, Reider said, “We wrote ‘I Lift Up My Thanks’ to help our community turn to God in the midst of the pandemic, a divided nation and the implications of these things in our lives personally. To say “thanks” when the sun is shining is pretty easy, but it’s much more challenging when we’re in the midst of the storm. We’re actively saying, ‘Thank you Jesus for all that you have done and all that is to come.’ It’s a posture of both gratitude and hope.”
You can access the “I Lift Up My Thanks” EPK here. Crossroads Music has made the song and chord chart available for free to worship teams to utilize for Thanksgiving services. Additional information about Crossroads Music can be found at Crossroads Music Website. You can stream or download their single on all major music platforms here.
About Crossroads Music: Crossroads Music is a part of Crossroads Church, based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The music they create and sing is meant to express the human journey — from brokenness to wholeness, from seeking to finding, from darkness to light. Their songs display the redemption and restoration of a loving God and the natural responses of gratefulness and worship. Crossroads Music’s hope is that these songs become not simply the soundtrack of day to day lives, but tools used to get and give God as much glory as they can. Recently named the fastest-growing and third largest church in the country, the Crossroads Church community of 30,000 gathers in 13 locations in Ohio and Kentucky, along with Crossroads Anywhere, an online campus.