Curb Records and The Mike Curb Foundation, with the community leaders of the Nashville Rescue Mission, Second Harvest Food Bank, Room In The Inn, Safe Haven, and Chick-fil-A, will provide over 24,000 meals to the Nashville homeless population. Meals became available this past Sunday, 4/12/20, and will continue through the end of April.
“We are so grateful for this gift from Mike Curb and The Mike Curb Foundation,” shares Glenn Cranfield, President and CEO of the Nashville Rescue Mission. “This donation will do so much more than just satisfy hunger pains, it sends a message to our most vulnerable neighbors that they matter, and someone genuinely cares about them. We are honored to be a part of this endeavor.”
Due to the tornado in Nashville last month and the current coronavirus, many of Nashville’s homeless people are without food and shelter. The Nashville Rescue Mission began providing a portion of these meals on Easter Sunday and will continue providing these meals through the end of April. Second Harvest Food Bank is providing a portion of these meals at the Nashville Fairgrounds, which has opened its facilities to the homeless as social distancing keeps many out of the shelter. The Room In The Inn is providing a portion of these meals at their facility, as well.
“I’d like to thank our good friends Jim Van Hook and Susan and Rod Riley for partnering with us at their Chick-fil-A here in Nashville, and creating and assembling great food on such short notice. It’s wonderful to partner with such caring people at this time,” shares Mike Curb. “I also want to thank Glenn Cranfield for his incredible leadership in coordinating this effort, along with Father Charles Strobel and Rachel Hester from the Room In The Inn. I also want to thank Nancy Keil and Kim Molnar from Second Harvest Food Bank, and Rachael Wilkins from Safe Haven.”
For more information, visit www.curb.com.