Today, Matthew West shares a Thanksgiving tune and music video featuring his family that you do not want to miss this holiday season. “Gobble, Gobble” is available now along with the video link below.
We all know what a hard year 2020 has been. There hasn’t been much to laugh or smile about. Kinda feels like we’ve lived five years in one. So, I decided I needed to laugh. I wrote this song, not because I thought it would be my life’s defining work (I pray it’s not!) And not because I thought it could be a No. 1 hit (although it is pretty catchy!) I wrote it simply because it gave me and my family a much needed laugh. I hope in its own weird way, “Gobble Gobble” can put a smile on your face and remind you and your family that even in the heaviest of years we have much to be thankful for. Gobble, Gobble everyone. – Matthew West